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Wednesday Round Up #2

2020! This episode, Lullaby, starts on a heartbreaking note as we see Jones singing to her dead daughter, who has apparently just flatlined. It's very eerie in a quarantine facility and the lullaby is playing in the background. And then Cassie shows up- to shoot Jones! This episode explores the theme of children- missing- as we then see Ramse and are reminded that his son, too , is missing. Jones, predictably, blames herself for everything and sees the solution as sending Cassie back to 2020- to kill  her! If she's dead them time travel is never invented and nothing comes to pass, all the chaos is erased.

"You don't get to decide it's over just because you've given up hope," Cole tells her. And so Cole goes back to stop her- and in true 12 Monkeys fashion, it gets trippy. Cassie actually does shoot Jones but then everything starts over- only this time they discover Jennifer is there as well. She's a riot as always- like the secret weapon on this show.

"So welcome to 2020. That number usually represents perfect vision, but it looks like you two aren't seeing too clearly. Heard you were a busy girl. Voices say you blew poor old Jonesy away, and then they say you didn't."

So yeah time reset after Cassie shot Jones- but Jennifer's the only one who sense it. And then everything goes to shit- and poor Jones has to get shot twice!

"Maybe time won't let you kill Jones," Jennifer tells Cole. Hmm, maybe not.

And... Cole finally told Cassie how he feels about her.

This episode was fun, as they always are. One of the best shows on.

Episode eight, The Redesign of Natural Objects, deals with Alison's dilemma- does she give up Sarah's location to save Donnie's life? Donnie is in prison after being arrested last week, and Duko is putting the squeeze on Alison to get at Sarah. And Siobhan wants to kill Duko as revenge for Kendall. It's a pretty effective episode, a little on the dark side, and we get some forward movement as Cosima heads to the island to work with Susan Duncan and, gulp, Rachel. That should be interesting. And what's up with the swan visions that Rachel is having? What's exactly going on with that new eye of hers?

The clone club manages to get the best of Duko and they free Donnie- and Siobhan gets her revenge. Good bye bad detective. Glad to see him gone, frankly.

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