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Lush Yuzu & Cocoa Bubbleroon

Something very exciting happened a few weeks ago... I went into Lush and bought two products I'd never tried before! I am the sort of person who, once they find what they like, will never branch out or try anything new. I have a few products from Lush that I repurchase as soon as it's run out, and I rarely stray from my favourites. But when I went in to buy my Dad & Step-Dad a bath bomb each for Fathers Day, I decided to try something new. One of them being the Yuzu & Cocoa Bubbleroon.

I've never really looked at the Bubbleroons. I'm not sure why. I also wasn't too sure what they actually were, but a quick Twitter chat with Vicky from VVNightingale cleared it all up - they're actually just regular bubble bars. They're super cute (their design is based on a macaroon) and the three currently available come in such bright, pretty colours. After giving them all a sniff, I decided on the Yuzu & Cocoa option. This has the most delicious, comforting scent. Coconut oil and shea butter contribute to the moisturising factor, but they also brings an almost chocolatey undertone to the scent, along with the cocoa absolute. But alongside the chocolatey element, grapefruit and bergamot oil bring a bright freshness. Think 'Chocolate Orange', only less chocolatey and with a dash of coconut.
I used half of the Bubbleroon for my bath, purely because it easily splits in half, with the two halves being gently glued together by a soft, moisturising liquid. Using just half gave me the most wonderful, soft bubbles. The water was tinged a sort of golden yellow shade, and the smell was heavenly. It's much nicer in use than it is solid.
What really made me adore this product was the effect it had on my skin. I have never used a Lush product that made my skin feel so soft and moisturised! I would 100% recommend this over the Butterball bath bomb which I do find a tad greasy. I keep randomly stroking my own arms because they just feel so damn soft and lovely, like they're been blessed by unicorns or something.
You can buy the Yuzu & Cocoa Bubbleroon instore or online, here, for £3.65. This product is 100% cruelty-free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Have you ever tried a Lush Bubbleroon before?

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