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On the Isle of Sceapige (3) - where is the cup ?

The vikings return from their foray into the forest and have brought a prisoner with them (it seems they had other things to do beside killing saxons). Sven Erikson questions the old crone his men brought back to camp
Crone: I foresaw your arrival you in the bones Eriskon viking - what seek you ?
Sven: I search for the treasure of the Whorled cup
Crone: hah, many leagues will you have to traverse and face stiff competition to attain your goal
Sven: Where is the cup old crone ?
Crone: I know not where, but now of something that points the way
Sven: well old hag ?
Crone: Go into the deep woods to the south, find the hermit and ask to see the book of  Tanwold,
there was a crackle in the air and a large puff of smoke - the old crone had vanished

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