And now, FALL is upon us. Fall is my favorite time of year for many reasons. I'm not a big fan of hot weather and although the Bay Area tends to heat up this time of year, I know that soon we will have the October chill that leads us into the Holiday season. I prefer an equal cycle of day and night as well. And Halloween being my favorite Holiday...well, I think you get the picture...
What surprised me this year was all of the early Halloween releases. I was in Target sometime in early September and they already had Halloween clothes out for the kids. I usually purchase a few articles of clothing for the kids each year since this IS the time to get it and I like to dress my kids in Halloween garb just because I wish I had the ability to wear a skeleton or pumpkin shirt around all the time. Kids can get away with so much. I made a trek to the local Dollar Store and found a lot of pretty cool things there. That's just the start. I plan to visit nearly every store that carries Halloween items (as I do every year) in the coming weeks to get set for my favorite day.

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