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Misc Hobby Projects


This post is really a bit of a roundup of a few smaller projects I've been working on in the first quarter of 2022 - things I may have posted on Instagram but didn't become full blog posts. There's a fun commission model, a couple of nice grabs off eBay for me, and the always entertaining job of rebasing...

First up, that commission, only the Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes himself, Trajann Valoris:

The client wanted him to fit in with an existing custom Custodes colour scheme, so he's got a mix of gold and silver armour and some purple details and a red plume of feathers. I'm particularly pleased with how the axe came out - it is mostly done with the glorious sponge! I definitely think I'll be reusing that technique next time I have to do some power weapons. I'm also pleased with the gold, which was washed with Skeleton Horde contrast - I think it's becoming my most valuable paint!

Next up, a new addition to the Death Guard:

This Helbrute was a cheeky eBay purchase, and came with some cool bonus tendrils sprouting out of it's armour. I gave it a bit of paint here and there to get it more in line with my lot, and a desert base, but a pretty straightforward job. I think he definitely looks like he fits in with the boys, and a bit of sponge over the face and horns at the front ended up looking suitably grim-dark! He has already appeared in a battle, taking on the Astra Militarum, and I'm considering adding him to my Crusade force.

In addition to a bit of 40k stuff, I've been working on some Age of Sigmar - in this case doing a bit of work on the Seraphon, replacing square bases with round and adding a new dino!

After playing a game recently with my force on mixed round and square bases, I found I was getting very annoyed with the square ones - they felt a lot less stable standing on their own (rather than in a regiment as originally intended). I decided to replace the outdated squares with some nice (cheap) round MDF bases. I had a 'fun' day of chopping up the old ones so I didn't loose any feet, and gluing what I could salvage from the bases onto the new ones. A bit of texture paint, some washing and a drybrush later and they look decent enough and fit in with the others at a glance.

I also did a bit of reorganisation, so my 20 Temple Guard (now an illegal unit in matched play) became two units of ten with a new standard, musician and champion. I also had an old metal Skink with a banner who got a much smaller, more comfortable one to hold. I know Skinks don't get drummers and standards any more, but they are kind of cool!

Finally, I picked up another eBay buy:

There is something very Seraphon about a dinosaur with a magic laser gun, so I'd been kind of after a Bastiladon for a while. This one was fairly cheap so I grabbed it and gave it a bit of a repaint. Originally it was red and blue - I've painted over the majority of the blue on it's upper scales with a bit of washing and sponging, but the red is largely in tact. The Skinks also got repainted but I left the crystal as it was as it does look rather nice!

At time of writing I do have another game planned so we'll have to see if the new addition performs for me, and if I can get my head around the AoS rules! Thanks for checking this out, hope you liked it, and stay safe out there.

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