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 There are so many things that I see in the world that annoy me. There are so many and so little time to discuss them all but I have picked out a few that have been seriously annoying me lately.....

So here we go.....things that annoy me - July 2013 edition....
 Leggings as trousers.
I wish someone would tell women that it looks awful when they wear leggings as trousers. Leggings are almost like tights and designed to be worn under things. I am so fed up of seeing people gallivanting around town with leggings pulled up to their ears as trousers. The worst part is that no one tells women that cheap leggings go see through. This is fine when you have something covering them and are using them as a sort of slightly thicker tights but when you are wearing them as trousers - it means we can see everything.
Sort it out.
Get some trousers.
Or at the very least get some decently made leggings. Please.
 Fake nails.
I don't mind tastefully done fake nails. I am talking about the nails that are so long that they mean you can't do anything. I've seen girls struggle to open things, use pots, do washing up and other every day tasks simply because, their fake talons are too long.
I am a little bit anti fake nails and I got things to be doing so my nails are always cut short. The minute I get a bit of length on mine - they are trimmed.  I cannot understand making yourself useless by having crazy girl nails.
I have bad quality nails as well that split and tear at a moments notice as well. I do know that the fakes you see are acrylic but the acrylic messes your nails up even further and weakens them! Argh! Why!
 Flaky mascara
I often see women with really bad mascara on. I know that some people love a clumpy lash and while that is not my taste - it doesn't make it bad. However, mascara dries out quickly and needs replacing every three months. I see women who are still using mascara that has gone bad.
How do you know when your mascara needs replacing?
When its cracking off your lashes and falling underneath your eyes!  I do women with a serious amount of smudging and cracking. There is no point on wasting your time on expensive eyeshadow to improve your look when all you really need is a new mascara.
 BB Creams
The hype over this escapes me. I like a bit of a light coverage foundation as much as the next person but this is just.....meh. I like the idea of a nice cream that does everything for me but at the same time I am not willing to have a slighty greasy completely non sweat proof finish. I mean I got caught in a light rain with this on before and off it came. In actual patches onto my clothes. Done. Next.

I find this to be a total hype product that wont last.
Everyday heels.
I recently watched a girl walking up Nottingham high street in heels. I was sitting outside on the steps enjoying a coffee on my lunch break and this was just comical. She couldn't walk. She attempted to but just couldn't manage it.
I then took in the rest of her outfit. It was insanity. She had the worlds smallest dress on. In the day time. I don't know why women insist on dressing for the club to go shopping lately. I watched this poor girl struggle to keep her skirt down, her dignity intact and her bags from tripping her up. I don't really do heels. I do 'occasion heels' which means I wear heels to funerals, weddings and other 'occasions' but for everyday, no way. I don't even wear high heels to the club anymore. I used to. Now I prefer to dance and throw myself around the place. I can't be bothered with not being able to walk or run.
So yeah....keep off the high street in crazy shoes please! Lady Gaga might do it but then that women more then likely takes her off when we don't see her. She has people to carry her around. Also, she needed surgery recently so there you go....

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