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Tender Love: It's Videos Like These That Melt Our Soul And Revive Our Hope In Humanity

He wears his clothes like that because he can, watch him walk! His pants like that because he can, watch him walk! I dont know what's more beautiful kiddas. Just the simple fact that this precocious young boy is set for furture fashion stardom? Or that Tangela Washington, the video owner and momma bear, demonstartes a non-premeditated, pure authentic love of a real mother, who by nature, should encourage whatever their child's desires and passions are! Our heart skips a beat when watching this video and you know what to do next kiddas...

"Our son, Sir, is 5 yrs old. He has been particular about what he wears and how it fits since he was 2 and a half. He began to show interest in designing clothes and then asking us to show him how to sew at 4. He is now creating and sewing (by hand) his own creations. He always models his designs “so I know how they’ll look” he says. We may have the next iconic fashion designer of all times on our hands! Take a look!"

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