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9 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo, According To Their Love Horoscopes & Astrology

At one point or the other, we all have glanced through the horoscope to see where our life is headed, haven’t we? Among all those zodiac signs, there lies the fieriest sign — Leo. Leo is all about exuberance, majestic magnetism, and chivalrous charm. Much like the lion, Leos have an air of royalty about them. They are ruled by the sun and much like the big star, Leos often find themselves at the center of everything. They love the limelight and are the most expressive beings. Fun, flattery, and fame keeps the Leos driven and happy. But we all know that when people fall in love, everything is different. So, what is it like to fall in love with a Leo? Here are some brutal truths about loving a Leo –

1.We Love Being Loved

We Love Being Loved


Leos are magnetic, charismatic, generous, and attractive souls. If you’re a Leo, you already like me, because Leos love compliments. Although a lion doesn’t need to be reminded of his greatness, Leos love admiration. And they will return the favor too! If food could be substituted with love, they would gorge on it every day. Unlike their usual demeanor, they wouldn’t shy away from being vulnerable if they get to know that they have your unconditional love.

2. We Want Our Partner To Be Our Pride

We Want Our Partner To Be Our Pride


Okay let’s get this straight, we like doing things differently, and that applies to every realm of life. We don’t like to follow the herd, and that’s precisely why we don’t like things that are easy. So, when it comes to love, we like the thrill of the chase. We love being challenged, but at the same time we love someone who adores us and makes us beam with pride. Simply put, a Leo is attracted to someone who is confident, charming, and successful. They definitely don’t like wimps. They like equals, those who are self-assured.

3. We Need Our Space

We Need Our Space


Yes, this is true for everybody. Well, nobody likes clingy people, right? Leos are the epitome of space. No matter how much you love us and how much we love you, we enjoy our me-time. We might even choose to go off the radar for a while, but that doesn’t mean we want an out from the relationship. We just demand some time for ourselves to sit, stare, think, laze around, and then disappear into a world of dreams. If, by any chance, you deny a Leo the space that s/he demands, you are going to be blacklisted from their life.

4. We Are Proud Beings

We Are Proud Beings


Do you know what the collective noun for the lions is? Pride. Rightly monikered, a lion is all about its pride, as is the Leo man/woman. We are proud beings and sometimes this makes us vulnerable as our ego becomes a fragile entity. If you hurt our ego, we will be deeply wounded, and this is especially true if you treat us with disrespect. Even if it was meant as a joke, don’t poke where it hurts.

5. We Get Angry In A Jiffy And Also Forget In a Jiffy

We Get Angry In A Jiffy And Also Forget In a Jiffy


When triggered or ticked off we explode into a white-hot rage, and sometimes become “The Hulk”. We snap, shout, say mean things, (maybe even break a couple of things if the anger-o-meter is high) and then we get so tired that we sleep it off. We wake up and it’s a new day! If what ticked us off wasn’t a big deal, we will forget about it even before you get a chance to pacify us. Here, go back to point number 3. Give us some space and we will be mellow as a puppy.

6. We Love Being Spontaneous And Having Fun

We Love Being Spontaneous And Having Fun


Leos hate sticking to a routine. We don’t like to stay confined to the four walls of our house. We like to be on the move. We are restless beings and we love taking our partner to restaurants, exotic locales, adventurous trips, etc. We get bored easily and that’s why we love spontaneity and we value fun. So, if your partner is a Leo, remember make sure you leave no space for monotony.

7. We Love Gift, Grandeur, And Extravagance

We Love Gift, Grandeur, And Extravagance


If there’s one thing that can transform us into a bubbly little kid, it’s pampering. We love being pampered, we love gifts, lots of gifts, and we love the extravagant, grand gestures. Be it taking us out on fancy dinners, treating us like royalty, or making an effort to look great for us, we love that. It makes us melt a little, honestly.

8. We Roar In Bed And We Make Sure Our Partners Do Too

We Roar In Bed And We Make Sure Our Partners Do Too


Lovemaking with a Leo is very thrilling and satisfying. As passionate lovers as we are, we can steam up the bedroom in no time. And not just that, we will make sure that you have a good time. We have a high libido and we are creative beings. We know that we are quite the charmers and we will not disappoint you. We experiment and we love a dramatic foreplay. So, expect the bedroom to be anything but boring.

9.We Are Intense Lovers

We Are Intense Lovers


If you’re in a relationship with a Leo, you will see that we will go above and beyond to see that beautiful curve on your face. It’s more than the cliched gestures of giving you a rose on rose day. We will become a morning person to see you, we will go the extra mile to make you happy, and we will even give you our favorite t-shirts. When in love, we will be protective, possessive, and proud. In return, we would always want to be your priority.

Leos are the most authoritative signs of the Zodiac, and they are undoubtedly the most intimidating to love. To love a Leo, the beating in the chest should be strong, because only the confident ones among us can truly, madly, and deeply woo them. Basically, you’ve gotta roar!

The post 9 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo, According To Their Love Horoscopes & Astrology appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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