As you can see, I have quite the sample bin. I have samples from magazines, events that I've attended, stores, gifts with purchase, etc. It's not ridiculous but it's pretty sad that I haven't tried any of the items in the sample bin. I mean, what if there is a new holy grail product that I've overlooked? What if my next BB cream or moisturizer is just sitting there, waiting to be discovered? How terrible would that be?
So my goal for the next 60 days (I like goals) is to try as many of these items as I can. I won't put them in my normal empties bin. Instead I'll put them in a 'Sample Bin Series' (ahhh, the sweet sound of alliteration) and tell you what I thought of the sample and if I purchased the full sized product. Maybe I'll do it 2 or 3 times a year. Maybe I'll just barely get through this first one screaming and kicking and swear to never try a free sample ever again in life. It could go a few different way people. You should consider staying tuned.
And just what will I be sampling for the next 60 days, you might ask. Go ahead and ask. I'll wait.
Well, I have 5 moisturizers, 4 BB cream samples, 4 foundation samples, 3 face serums, 2 spot concealers and a partridge in a pear tree. No, seriously I have a lot. Not all of the sample would fit on the counter top. Oh, yeah -- I didn't even take a picture of the fragrance samples. I have two separate containers for them! Sighhhh. Yes, I'll be trying those too. Sweet smelling days, here I come..
Perhaps you have a drawer of samples. We can do this together! In 60 days we should all have new, beautiful skin and a new scent (or red itchy, splotches and a swarm of bugs we can't get rid of). I'll check back in then and tell you all about it. You check back in too!
(Originally posted on 1/11/2014)
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