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Acrylics, gels, Shellac and nail art with some glitz

Twas 2 nights before Xmas in The Lady Cave @ Needy Nails Taupo on this LAUREN BACALL Tuesday
A warm welcome to today's newbies Christine and Shey for their French white acrylics
thank you for your patronage 

Another mixed palette of acrylics, gels, Shellac and nail art with some glitz and glam... some nods toward the Festive Season was also had today...

There were a few family mix ups with a couple of clients booked for their nail services in light of the Xmas day wedding... Thank you my shortlist, great to have a large clientele that can fill the spaces at a moments notice - hats off to your awesome ladies. 
A special mention to beautiful clients that have brought me in some amazing Xmas treats: Chez Taylor Oriori Rewiri Nadine, Misty, Jasmyn and Sian - thank you so much for making me feel special, I am indeed very spoiled 
Work station has new brushes primed for tomorrow's services and I actually got around to cleaning 33 used ones grrhhh so busy busy busy and I got lazy lazy lazy over the weekend... Too damn hot and sweaty over the last couple of weeks.
Ready to roll on to the Eve ladies so watch what we have in store for you for on Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues & Wed it will be FIFS - to be announced tomorrow 
Time to get my dessert then back to the PMs so without further ado... Catch yall back in the A.M mwaah xox 

Acrylics, gels, Shellac and nail art with some glitz French white acrylics  Xmas day wedding

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