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Top 10 Horrifying Prisons Of The World

Prison is a place where government keeps the criminals by separating them from the rest of the society. Criminals are those who defy the laws and goes against the political regime. From the ancient times these prisons holds the special place in the history. Kings used to keep the criminals in those prisons for the time being until they are either executed or given a penalty. Now, the governments around the world are using prisons to keep the criminals either serving their time or those who are still waiting charges and sentence. Many famous figures have served into these prisons like Nelson Mandela and John McCain. These prison’s not only housed notorious cirminals but also served as House Of Slaves. Few prisons came to limelight due to daring escapes, barbaric treatments or even cruelty towards the inmates. Few of those prisons are now a tourist spots. Following is a list of top 10 such infamous prisons around the world.

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