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The Secret Behind Burberry's Styling Success

What's a global mega brand to do if it wants its styling to be on point for a new generation? Make like Christopher Bailey and ask the models. The Burberry designer revealed backstage at his show that he'd asked his army of models to help decide the finishing touches to their looks. "We worked on the looks and put them together, but made sure the models felt good in it. We asked them if they wanted those trousers, did they prefer it with this or with that," explained Bailey.

"It wasn't a forced thing it was more of a personal thing. It was important that they felt the clothes," he said.

The models embraced their styling duties with enthusiasm, giving Bailey valuable insight into how the cool kids want to wear high fashion now. Did his good looking focus group throw on any surprise combinations? "I was intrigued by everybody wanting everything to be really casual and really broken down," he said.

"But they loved a special piece. If it felt too done, too refined, too sophisticated it was, 'Oh, I need a hat with it,' he said referring the the Burberry check baseball hats that accessorised most of the 79 looks in this co-ed show. "I suspect they might run off with the hats, after," he mused. We suspect they did.

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