New Artist Tiana Major9 just dropped her "Same Space?" single & music video! Watch the visual below via YouTube! The song is lifted from her current Motown Debut At Six And Sevens EP album which was released on August 7th!
She previously released via Motown Records:
- “Levee (Let It break)” single (Jan. 25, 2018)
- “Mr. Mysterious” (Aug 9, 2018)
- “Collide” with EARTHGANG (from ‘Queen & Slim: The Soundtrack')

VIDEO: Tiana Major9's "Same Space?"
#TianaMajor9 #SameSpace? #newsingle #newmusicvideo #single #AtSixAndSevens #newEPalbum #R&B #Soul #Levee(Letitbreak) #Mr.Mysterious #Collide #EARTHGANG #Queen&Slim:TheSoundtrack #MotownRecords #musicartists #raw3entertainment #music #videos #newartists #Television #film #gaming
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