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K Club Special Part 3 - Colleen Corby

For our third in our series of "K Club Specials" (1) we feature Colleen Corby (2) (3).  Now Colleen was crazy wild in the catalog modeling, but before that she was awesomely huge in the teen magazine world.  Like all the other "K Clubbers", her career was Looonnnnnggggg!!  However, her's was particularly so.  She started professionally modelling in late 50s and continued into the early 80s!   Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?

So let's check out her career! Here are some EARLY pics.  
From 1962!  Man, does she look incredible or what!

Yeah, she was in a HECK of a lot of print ads in the 60s, like the above and below...

Of course, she was probably more well known in the 60s for her appearance in teen mags than anything else. She was, literally, a heroine to millions of young teens in the 60s.  Here are just a FEW samples....

And here...
That's one Seventeen cover, but there are about 100 more to chose from. Man was she dominant in the day!

Naturally, we know Colleen best from the Big Book catalogs, and it is a testament to her career that she modeled in the catalogs after she had made it big otherwise...

A classic Colleen pose from 1971.  She had the unique ability to hit that serious, high fashion look and yet maintain that sweet innocence that was the mark of the K Clubbers and their associates.   She was the perfect transition model from the 60s to the early 70s, but wait even with that she is not done yet!

A smiling Colleen, I'm always looking for those pics.  She normally went for the high fashion, serious poses, but she looks absolutely fabulous when she flashes that big smile!

Classic Colleen catalog posing, beautiful, such an iconically pretty gal!  Both of the above pics are from 1976, near the end of her career.

Karen and Colleen in a gorgeous pic, precious.  These gals rocked it big time back in the day (4)!

A final pic for this first post featuring Colleen.  For this I picked a personal favorite.  Here, she looks so soft and sweet and SEXY!, YEAH!  (Oh yeah, she was a hottie!). 

Colleen retired in 1978 but made a brief comback in 1980.  After that, she retired for good.  Later, she made two more public apperances.  The last one being on the Oprah show in the mid-90s.  Oprah related how Colleen was her favorite model growing up.

Colleen in 2008.


(1) For those of you who are new to this site, "K Club" is term that I use for four of the main catalog models in from the 70s: Kay Campbell, Karen Bruun, Colleen Corby, and, of course, Kathy Loghry.  All of their names begin with a hard K sound, hence the name.

(2) I'm sure some of you astute readers are thinking "Hmmm, he has done three K Club Special posts highlighting the careers of a different K Clubber.  I wonder who is only one left?"  And I'm also sure that these same astute readers are thinking "Hey, each of these K Club Special posts are spaced about 6-7 weeks apart, and well, what-do-you-know! in 6 weeks is the one year anniversary of this blog!"  I'm sure it is all just a coincidence.

(3) There are a TON of pics of Colleen out there on the internet especially compared to the other K Clubbers. In addition, she has a couple of fan sites out there already.  So I tried to include some original pics here for all you Colleen fans.

(4) Please look at this pic closely again, it is pure art!  One of the things I've learned in doing this blog is how incredible some of the photos were from those old catalogs.  The look of Karen and Colleen playing off of each other is absolutely brilliant! (yeah, this photo rocks it!).  I hope this blog does a little to preserve these classic pics before they are lost to time.

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