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Catrice New Limited Edition "Hip Trip": Green Days and Wheels on Fire

Hey hey!

I decided to quickly swatch two of the nail polishes of Catrice's new Limited Edition "Hip Trip" (link here). I was allowed (by myself) to buy two of them, and only two. Someday I'll make money, but today is not that day ;-) Anyway, it just became available so I wanted to show you, so you can decide whether or not to buy these!
The two that caught my eye were "Green Days" and "Wheels on Fire". The blue one is very pretty as well, but I already have something similar.  Let's look at Wheels on Fire first. Catrice describes it as Flamingo Coloured. And Flamingo Coloured it is. I have some great nail art in mind, but have as of yet not had time to do that yet. It is very pretty on its own as well though:

It is a bright hot coral and it is PERFECT for summer. It has a frosty shimmer that makes it sooooo pretty! I love it. Two coats were enough to make the mani opaque. This is shown without top coat.

Then for Green Days:

I was a little disappointed by the bad coverage. The colour is very pretty though so it is still worth to paint on an extra coat (which I didn't do because of the lack of time). Catrice describes it as mint, but I would rather call it lime...

On the webpage of Catrice, they explain how to do a saran wrap mani, so I did that with these two colours. I thought it could either be really cool, or really not. It turned out to be the latter (so don't do it with these colours):

That's it folks! I can really recommend Wheels on Fire, it is perfect for summer and would also be a great colour for your toes! They retail for 2.99 euros here in Holland, so it is a good investment ;)


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