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Caffeine-Infused Beauty Products: Get the Scoop + 4 Picks to Try Now

Caffeine beauty products

Caffeine-Infused Beauty Products: Get the Scoop + 4 Picks to Try Now

As you browse the skin care aisle, you’re likely to recognize many of the ingredients. Among the retinols and copper peptides and various hydroxy acids is another newfound favorite: caffeine. The very same ingredient responsible for giving you that much-needed jolt on bleary-eyed mornings can also work wonders for your skin. Caffeine is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. For your skin, those are excellent traits that can minimize discomfort and bust away free radical damage. But more importantly, the ingredient is also a vasoconstrictor. As it naturally restricts your blood vessels, it helps minimize puffiness and reduce inflammation — a

...read more at Caffeine-Infused Beauty Products: Get the Scoop + 4 Picks to Try Now. This is an original post from The Budget Fashionista.

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