Hey there! How is everyone doing? Fantastic I hope! It's that time of the month again, monthly favorites time! I can't believe August is over..... Like where the heck did it go?! It flewww by! August was an amazing, super busy month for me. The beginning part of it I was babysitting a ton, getting ready for school, and enjoying my last few days of summer. Then school started which was a whirlwind of stress and getting back into the hang of things. The last two weeks of August I spent traveling. I went to San Diego with my dad and brother for 5 days, came home for a day then left again to go to St. Louis to see One Direction in concert. It was the most insane last two weeks of my life!
I honestly only have two things that I loved during the month of August and that is my trip to California and One Direction. Since I have full blog posts coming I'm not gonna post much other than that both were AMAZING. My One Direction concert post should be up within the next couple of days and and my California post shortly after! :) Here's a couple of teaser photos!
Palm trees and the sunset at Coronado! |
My loves! |
That's it guys! That's my August favorites. I know kinda lame only two things but they were the highlight of my month.... and life. Next month will be more interesting I promise!
Till next time!
"these are a few of my favorite things"
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