Every blogger worth her salt has already posted a year-in-review post, but I've been travelling so much, I have barely had a moment to catch my breathe, must less reflect. Here are some of my favorites from 2010:
January: Quick-and-easy fajitas.
February: Mastered my favorite soup, chicken tortilla soup!
March: Learned you can't put grease down the drain (I know! How did I live before?) and shared my husband's favorite recipe for Irish stew.
April: Whipped up delicious Orange Cointreau cupcakes.
May: Tried, and failed, at gardening and had a little party for the end of LOST, which I blogged about all year!
June: Got bit by the antiquing bug and went to the longest yard sale and became a regular at the Williamsburg Antique Mall.
July: My friends and family threw me an amazing Breakfast at Tiffany's bridal shower.
August: Made jack-and-coke cupcakes, with Jack Daniels frosting and discovered my new favorite pasta sauce, amatriciana.
September: Had a semi-fail trying to make gruyere gougeres, but they still tasted amazing!
October: GOT MARRIED! Our photographer created an amazing music montage and we honeymooned in San Francisco, and ate our way through the city.
November: Recap of our wedding ceremony and started making a new party favorite, mini lasagnas!
December: Got my crafty on, and created my paper wreath, which is still hanging on our door!
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